# Resources
# Talks
- Cost-effective and easy to maintain GraphQL integration tests (opens new window) by Jules Ivanic at Functional Scala (opens new window) in December 2022
- Zymposium episode on Caliban (opens new window) with Pierre Ricadat, Kit Langton and Adam Fraser in June 2021
- A Tour of Caliban (opens new window) by Pierre Ricadat at SF Scala (opens new window) in April 2020
- Caliban: Designing a Functional GraphQL Library (opens new window) by Pierre Ricadat at Functional Scala (opens new window) in December 2019 (slides: Designing a Functional GraphQL Library (opens new window))
# Blog Articles
- GraphQL in Scala (opens new window) a blog series by Pierre Ricadat (December 2023)
- Caliban Client: a type-safe GraphQL Client for Scala and Scala.js (opens new window) by Pierre Ricadat (February 2020)
- GraphQL in Scala with Caliban by Pierre Ricadat (February 2020)
- Authentication in Caliban (opens new window) by FrantiĊĦek Kocun (December 2019)
# Related Projects
- caliban-deriving (opens new window): an alternative schema derivation implementation that supports additional use cases such as deriving fields from class methods (can be used side by side with caliban regular derivation, on the types you want).
- caliban-extras (opens new window): a project bringing some goodies to caliban, including caliban-refined (opens new window), a module to automatically derive schemas for refined (opens new window) types.
- zio-akka-quickstart (opens new window): a Giter8 template for a basic Scala application built using ZIO, Akka HTTP, Slick and Caliban!
- caliban-talk (opens new window): example project using ZIO, http4s, doobie/quill, caliban-client, testcontainers and Caliban
- caliban-test (opens new window): example project using ZIO, Caliban, and jOOQ for accessing a relation database
- caliban-zio-http-cats (opens new window): real technical interview project using ZIO, Caliban, Doobie, Cats core, and domain error modeling (passed + job offer)