# Examples
The examples (opens new window) project in GitHub contains various examples:
- GraphQL API exposed with the high-performance HTTP adapter (opens new window)
- GraphQL API exposed with http4s (opens new window)
- GraphQL API exposed with Akka HTTP (opens new window)
- GraphQL API exposed with Pekko HTTP (opens new window)
- GraphQL API exposed with play (opens new window)
- GraphQL API exposed with play's route file (opens new window)
- GraphQL API exposed with zio-http (opens new window)
- GraphQL API exposed with Ox and Netty (opens new window)
- GraphQL Client usage (opens new window)
- GraphQL Client integration with Laminext (opens new window)
- Optimization with ZQuery (opens new window)
- Interop with Cats Effect (opens new window)
- Interop with Tapir (opens new window)
- Apollo Federation usage (opens new window)
- Schema Stitching usage (opens new window)
# Available only with cats-effect 2.x
You may also check out the repository (opens new window) accompanying my blog series (opens new window) on Caliban.