# Laminext Integration

If you are using the Scala.js framework Laminar (opens new window), there is a module that makes the integration even nicer, with support for subscriptions. It is depending on Laminext (opens new window), a library that provides nice little helpers for Laminar, in particular for using Fetch and WebSocket.

To use it, import the caliban-client-laminext module:

"com.github.ghostdogpr" %%% "caliban-client-laminext" % "2.9.2"

Add the following import to your code:

import caliban.client.laminext._

This import adds an extension method toEventStream(uri) to SelectionBuilder, which is similar to toRequest except it creates an EventStream instead of an sttp Request.

val characters: Var[List[String]] = Var(Nil)

val uri = "http://localhost:8088/api/graphql"

val getCharacters = Queries.characters(None)(Client.Character.name).toEventStream(uri)

val view: Div = 
    "Characters: ",
    getCharacters.collectRight --> characters.set _,
    child <-- characters.signal.map(c => div(c.mkString(", ")))

To use subscriptions, you first need to create a WebSocket with protocol graphql-ws. Use the extension method .graphql instead of .text or .json. Then use the extension method toSubscription on your SelectionBuilder and pass the WebSocket object.

val ws = WebSocket.url("ws://localhost:8088/ws/graphql", "graphql-ws").graphql.build()

def deletedCharacters = Subscriptions.characterDeleted.toSubscription(ws)

Finally, you can use ws.connect to connect the WebSocket, ws.init() to initialize the communication with the graphql server and .received to get an EventStream of the type returned by your subscription.

  .map(_ => ws.init())
  .flatMap(_ => deletedCharacters.received.collectRight) --> (name => characters.update(_.filterNot(_ == name))),

There is a full example in the test folder of the caliban-client-laminext module. To use it:

  • run ExampleApp of the http4s server example (it supports CORS)
  • run clientLaminextJS/Test/fastLinkJS to compile the Scala.js code
  • run yarn install and yarn exec vite in the caliban-client-laminext folder
  • the example page will be running on http://localhost:3000 (opens new window)